We can handle all of your international business communication needs. Ask us how!

Benefits to your Company

two construction industry businessmen looking out

Help your organization take the spotlight on the international stage.

Send your people into the world of international business equipped with the linguistic confidence and cultural awareness that comes with a complete set of second language communication tools. Help your key salespeople win more contracts because they are able to clearly answer their Thai customer’s questions. Reduce the time it takes your logistics team to read and reply to urgent emails from South American shipping partners.Provide your engineers with better communication strategies to transfer their knowhow to overseas subsidiaries. Eliminate awkward silences that overtake important meetings between your buyers and Korean suppliers.

Your company invests significant resources in building a team of talented professionals. But is that talent effective beyond the borders of Japan?

Do your salespeople, engineers, and managers have the communication skills needed to compete internationally? Can they shine in front of a global audience?

Since 1989, Tokyo-based companies like your own have used our language training programs to break the boundaries of the domestic market and take the spotlight on the international stage.

As a result of your Select Co. training courses, your employees will:

  • speak clearly and confidently.
  • understand and react appropriately to others.
  • actively participate in group meetings, teleconferences, and face-to-face discussions.
  • make and receive telephone calls easily, without misunderstandings.
  • write professional emails to overseas suppliers, subsidiaries, and customers.
  • travel with confidence on business trips abroad—without the added cost of an interpreter.
  • welcome visitors to your facilities.
  • represent your organization at international conferences.

Contact us to learn how you can improve the language level in your organization.